The Community Icon Set

About the Set
This set is a slightly random assortment of the associations, community projects and popular services that cause people to clump together around the Web. While by no means comprehensive, it's a first stab at what may become a larger set in the future.

This set was rendered in Photoshop 7 & CS with 99.34% of the Icons being produced with custom shapes and layer styles.

Icon Tip No.1: Learn the Layer Styles settings, they will become your best friends....

If you have any suggestions or omissions you've noticed, drop me an email at

Cian Walsh
Icon Designer

Distributing the Icons
Feel free to email your friends the icon set or just the link to the icon page.

The icons must not be used for commercial purposes. These icons can only be distributed as freeware, and may not be redistributed, sold or exchanged for any goods or services,

©Afterglow Design 2003-2004